We had a fantastic time in Florida! Despite cool weather and various illnesses (mine, mostly) we ended up enjoying ourselves and feeling rested. The highlight of the trip for me was getting to spend time with my college roommate and her family. We had not seen each other in almost four years! Again, the weather wasn't ideal, but we had a great time catching up and getting to know each other's kids. We mostly spent time at the beach, not in the water, though, and in the pool at the house we were at. It was heated, so it was nice while you were in it, but getting out was pure torture!
I have decided that vacations are great, but getting ready to leave and coming home at the end of the trip are too stressful for me. Almost not worth the vacation itself. We always have some sort of catastrophe upon our arrival home. Last time we went to Florida, we came home to a house that had problems with the heat while we were gone and many of Joel's pet frogs ( yes, frogs) were dead! Oh, and our rent check had bounced because Joel's work didn't pay him for his vacation time. This year we were greeted with a flat tire! Nothing better than a flat tire after a long day of traveling with two children under two! We ended up having to get two new tires put on the car in order for it to pass inspection. Sweet! And, I ended up sick again when we got home. I had a major ear infection before we left and now I have bronchitis. The joys of working in the school system. I hope all these things run their course quickly. I am so done with being sick! I just don't have time for it.

Anyway, that was our trip. Next time I will tell you about how anal I have become about putting away my children's toys. Oh, and about how Joel has mentioned twice in the last few days about wanting child number three...