Oliver is now in the stage of being able to repeat almost anything you ask him to say. Some things he catches on to pretty quickly and others he will repeat and forget unless prompted to say them again. Some things he comes up with on his own - completely shocking all of us. One of these shockers is "pot holder" - what other almost two year old says that on a regular basis? Looking for a great gift for his birthday? He LOVES potholders; uses them correctly, too. Anyway, a while back I was playing with him and grabbing his cute little baby bum as he was running away. I told him I was getting his butt cheeks, which he quickly repeated. Word to the wise, if your child repeats something that you do not want him to say to other people, don't laugh!! No matter how cute it is! I made the mistake of laughing and having him say it to daddy, grammie ,aunts, uncles, you name it...now when I am on the phone, he thinks it is hilarious to put his mouth up to the receiver and say butt cheek repeatedly. I am just praying that he doesn't do it to his Nana. She won't laugh. Also, I had to spank him the other day while I was changing him because he was kicking and squirming. So, I swatted him on the butt and he starts laughing saying, "Butt cheek, spank, spank. Butt cheek, spank, spank." I had to turn away and laugh. So, now I am trying to teach him not to say it all the time, especially on the phone!
On a completely unrelated note, here are a few recent pictures: