Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Blogger, I have a confession... I've been cheating on you. See, someone introduced me to an evil tempter called Facebook and I just can't seem to do anything else these days. In my few and far between "downtimes" I've been sucked into the Facebook world rather than writing on you, my dear Blog. I miss you and soon the excitement of Facebook will wear off and I will return to you. But in the meantime, I am finding long lost friends, old college buddies, kids that were in the Haven while I worked there (One of whom is married and has step kids and step GRANDKIDS! Yikes!), learning new things about people I already know, playing games, sending "stickies" , oh the fun that can be had (read: time that can be wasted).
But, I know my fun time will end soon. Work started this week. That means no more time to waste. I am so sad. Not only for the end to my facebook affair, but also for the end of my relaxed time with my kids everyday. I enjoy the break from them for a while, but mostly I miss them and wonder what funny new trick I am missing out on. This week's new trick? Oliver does "cooking shows" which equals him banging on his pots and pans with a spoon and singing songs. Then he takes a bow and cracks up laughing.

I'll return to you soon, my blog.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Memory Monday...I almost forgot to remember!

This past weekend we went to one of my favorite places in the whole, wide world. Even if I got to travel the world and got to see every cool and beautiful place, I think this place would still be one of my favorites. It's a lighthouse and jetty in Scituate. There's something about it that just seems so peaceful and beautiful to me. Anyway, we took the kids there to play at the beach and so the boys could try to catch hermit crabs. It got me to thinking about the first time I took Joel there. It was the summer we met - 2001, perhaps. We were on a weekend off from camp and we had just started our official relationship. We walked all the way out to the end of the jetty and sat for a while. The whole time I am wondering when he is going to hold my hand, perfect opportunity with the rough footing and all. Anyway, we talked as only newly dating couples talk - telling stories of our past, sharing deep thoughts, etc. Then, on our walk back I finally bit the bullet and grabbed his hand. We got our picture taken in front of the lighthouse, our arms draped awkwardly around each other. I look back at that picture and think how young we were - my hair was still completely brown, for heaven's sake - and how far we have come since then, also how far we have strayed since then. Not from each other, but from that excitement of falling in love. Sometimes it just seems so mundane, now. I know that is normal, but it's a shame that we can't keep that excitement of just holding hands and talking. On the other hand, it is wonderful to think how much more we know about each other now, how much we can communicate without saying anything and how much we have gotten to experience together. How amazing it was to return to this place with our children. Something I only dreamed of before. I remember Joel telling me that day that he was going to marry me, and I thought he was crazy to be so sure, so soon. Little did I know...
To my readers with spouses: Take some time tonight to think about your first date or special time with your hubby. Remember that feeling of excitement and nervousness and share it with him. You'll both enjoy the memory.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Introducing...Memory Monday

Ok, in an effort to cure my blogger's block, I am starting a new Monday theme. Maybe this will force me to sit down and write at least every Monday. So, I bring you Memory Monday. Come. Take a trip with me down memory lane...
One of my favorite memories of childhood is camping. We would usually go to Minuteman KOA (which seemed so far away back then) in Littleton, MA and a place called Papoose Pond Resort in Maine. We had an old pop-up trailer and I remember getting it all packed and ready for our trip. I loved the excitement of loading up the cooler and the car and staking out my place in the "way back" of the station wagon. The momentary stress and anxiety as my parents tried working together to get the camper hitched up to the car. ("To the left more. No your other left!" ) Then the trip in the car which I usually slept through unless I had a friend with me. Then, I'm sure we drove my parents nuts the whole way. Upon arrival at the campground I would immediately begin exploring the area. Are things the same as they were last year? Anything changed? Anyone else here yet? (We would usually go with a bunch of other families) Our camper was the best. I can still smell the sweet, musty, piney odor. I can hear the door squeak and bang shut. I can feel the warm coziness of my sleeping bag. I can still see my parents in the big bed on the other side of the camper. I loved when it rained .The plip plop of the drops on the canvas roof was like a lullaby.
The joy of being outside all day and able to get dirty without anyone caring. Swimming and playing in the water for hours. Eating fried dough that my mom made and hot dogs and marshmallows cooked on the fire. Sitting around the fire in the evening, smelling the smoke, hearing the pop and crackle, seeing the sparks float up and then disappear. When I was really little, I was passed around from lap to lap around the fire. Then I got my own chair and would sit out until I could no longer keep my eyes open.
I am blessed to have had such a great childhood. I hope we can give our kids such great memories like this one. Though, I'm not sure they are ready for camping...yet.