Sunday, January 20, 2008


This week I encountered what could be considered a parent's nightmare: my children had lice. My children, the ones who don't go to school or daycare, completely infested with lice. My only guess is that they got it in the church nursery. I think Morgan has had it for a long time, because her bugs were big and had set up camp pretty comfortably in her hair. I noticed her itching a few days before, but I thought it was due to her dry scalp. Then, I was putting her hair up in a pony tail and noticed something moving. My stomach dropped. I checked Oliver and found only a few in his hair. Never have I wanted to shave everyone's heads, including my own, as much. Maybe that is why Britney Spears shaved her head. I bet Sean Preston and Jayden got lice. We had to take everything that was washable and wash it and anything that wasn't washable and put it in a plastic bag for 2 weeks. I'm STILL doing laundry. The treatment was a nightmare. Ever tried to get a 1 1/2 year old and 2 1/2 year old to sit still long enough to comb through every strand of hair?? I still feel itchy from it. I disturbed quite a few friends from Morgan's head. Yuck! I am just praying that we got it all and that it doesn't come back. I feel like a Mama monkey picking at all the bugs in their hair. Every time they are on my lap I am fingering through their hair. The quote of the day was from Oliver when I was combing through his hair. He was screaming and thrashing and he just yelled out "Oh Holy Moly!" It was hysterical.
So, we are making due with one stuffed animal each for a few weeks and limited time on Mommy's bed. Keep your fingers crossed for no more bugs! Off to do more laundry!