Ok, see those links to the right? I totally just did that all by myself without any help from the computer whiz (Joel). I'm so proud of myself right now. Of course it probably took me ten times longer than it would have had I asked for help, but sometimes I just want to do it myself.
Today was my first full day off and I really enjoyed it. Had a nice relaxed morning with the kids. I actually made a roadway with them out of Fun Foam. Spent a long time measuring and cutting out pieces. I even made a couple tunnels. Am I Mom-of-the-year or what? Yeah, they only played with it for a little while, then they were more interested in the little scraps that I left on the floor. Oh well, I tried.

The Peapod Man (grocery delivery) came, which always causes quite a stir. Oliver nearly pees his pants with excitement and Morgan spends the hour before he is scheduled to arrive asking me if he is going to ring the buzzer. She hates our door buzzer and climbs my leg every time it buzzes. The anticipation of it is almost more that she can bear. Then, when the truck pulls into the parking lot, they have to go out into the hallway and wait for him to come up the stairs. When he finally gets into the apartment Oliver has to describe everything in the apartment and everything we have done thus far this morning. "We have fishies. We made a road today. This is my pick-up truck."At which point the Peapod Man just smiles and nods...Oliver is hard to understand when he speaks normally, but when he is excited, forget it. Then, the unpacking begins. I think this is my favorite part. It's like a little bit of Christmas every time. No matter what it is that they find in the bags, they yell it out with joy. Bread! Napkins! Cheese! Oh the joy! Actually, they are rather helpful with the putting away. What with the delivery and the putting away, I hardly have to do anything. It's great...it really is a little Christmas every time.
After lunch, we headed out to an appointment and then to the playground. We had the whole park to ourselves which was great. Could this girl get any cuter??

After that, we made an impromptu trip to the Farmer's Market with our friend, Miss Jennifer. Bought some fresh asparagus which I ate ALL of tonight with dinner, as well as some zucchini and some snap peas. (Does it really make your pee smell funny? I guess I'll have to let you know.) We had an ice cream and enjoyed the afternoon. I guess I am glad that I am not home every day like this, because then it wouldn't seem so special.
So, I did all of this AND I am blogging, thus Superwoman.
Oh yeah, and...I made this cake a few weeks ago.
