My baby boy starts preschool next week. He'll be going to the school that Joel works at and that my sister teaches at. Two full days each week. He had his orientation ("orimatation" in Ollie- speak) this morning and seems pretty excited, though he has had his share of tears recently. The other night as I was putting him to bed, I brought up the subject of preschool and his little lip started to quiver as he was bravely trying to keep it together. He said, "I don't want to go to preschool because I am afraid I will not see you." So we talked about it how it will only be two days out of seven that he won't be able to see me all day and how much fun it will be and how Daddy and Annie will be there if he needs them. Then he said, and this is when my heart shattered into a million pieces, "But, I am afraid that there will be a mean kid in my class who will hit me or push me." At that point, I just wanted to gather him up in my arms and tell him he will never have to leave me and that I will never let a mean kid even breathe on him. Ever. But, then it was my turn to put on a brave face and explain to him that yes, there may be a mean kid in your class, and if something happens you need to use your words (man, how many times do I use that phrase every day?) and let the teacher know and try to be extra nice to the kid, etc. Meanwhile, I'm thinking that if any kid lays a finger on my boy, they will have to face the wrath of the Mama.
So, then I start to tell him that if he is really feeling nervous about going to school then we should pray about it and ask God to help him feel brave. This seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back. The tears really started flowing now, he was sobbing and said he didn't want to pray about it. He just doesn't want to go. So, in we went to Daddy because at this point I was about to start crying. He was a typical Daddy - very matter-of-fact and you'll-be-fine, with Oliver and with me.
Actually, this preschool thing is going to be more Joel's thing than mine. He went with him to orientation today since I had training for work, he'll be taking him in and getting him to my mom's afterschool AND he'll be there at school if Oliver needs anything. It's kind of hard for me to be so hands-off, but I think it is good for the boys to have a little bonding time.
Tuesday is the big first day - I'll try to blog and maybe put on some pictures if I can. This dial-up connection is super-slow, though, so no promises on the pictures.
Funny Oliver quote:
"Mommy, I love you. I love you EVEN when Mo-Mo (Morgan) poops in her underwear. I love you even when you are disappointed in someone."