Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Menu Monday on Tuesday

I was distracted by Wahlbergs yesterday so I did not get a chance to write out my menu for you. So, here it is today:
Sunday - Lentil Burgers. Same old, same old...but Joel loves 'em.
Monday - Potato and Vegetable Curry from Simple Veg. Pleasures. All I have to say about this is
                OMG. It. was. so. good.  Fairly simple and so flavorful. Joel was "meh" about it, but I loved it.
                 Had it for lunch today too.
Tuesday - Pizza night. We made the dough from scratch this time. Oliver is in charge tonight while I head
                 over to Wahlburgers with Cari for some girl time.
Wednesday - Grilled Cheese, Fries and Edamame. Boring, but everyone eats it.
Thursday - Veggie Wraps. Quick and easy after a busy day with speech and OT.
Friday - Scalloped Potatoes and Eggplant Bacon This was too interesting not to try. The cream sauce is
             made out of cashews. And eggplant bacon? Really? We'll see.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Some Food Photos

We've been eating gooood this week. Here's a glimpse of some things we have had:

Brazilian Black Bean Soup with Vegan Cornbread. Admire the fancy plates!
Ziti with cauliflower, tomato and red pepper. SO YUMMY! So Easy!

But, really, the yummiest, easiest thing I have eaten this week is this toast with peanut butter and nutella. Heavenly.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Just Another Menu Monday

Ok, here it is:
Sunday - Lentil burgers and mashed potatoes. Yummy, but very time consuming.

Monday - Veggie burritos with rice. Another staple in our house. I like the addition of the rice in the burrito.

Tuesday - Brazilian Black bean soup with vegan cornbread.  This soup is delicious! I have never made vegan cornbread before, so I will let you know how that goes.

Wednesday - Potato and Vegetable Curry. A first time with this recipe. We'll see.

Thursday - Ziti with Cauliflower, Tomato and hot pepper. I made this once before. It was simple and good.

Friday - Baked Tofu and Mushroom Hoisin. Another first timer. I guess I am feeling daring this week.

I am not really sure what the kids will eat this week. I can tell you one thing for sure, they will not be eating any of this stuff!!  Maybe I will try to take pictures this week.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Menu Monday

Here's what we are serving at Chez Bielawa this week:

Monday - Spicy Peanut Noodles from the Simple Vegetarian Pleasures cookbook. (Or, as I like to call it, Pleasuring Your Simple Vegetarian.) We LOVE this meal. It is simple and yummy. (And by we, I mean all of us except for Oliver who doesn't like much of anything. That is another post for another day.) These noodles are also delicious as leftovers.

Tuesday - Veggie Wraps. Looks like I may have to whip up some homemade tortillas for this meal since the 4 packages I bought yesterday are already almost gone! My boys love their tortillas! I bought real sour cream for my veggie wraps and I can't wait for the dairy goodness. This vegan thing is so not for me!

Wednesday - Homemade Pizza. We still have some sauce leftover from last week's pizza which is a bonus. Oliver has become our pizza maker in the family. He loves to stretch out the dough and make individual pizzas with no sauce for himself and Morgan and a big pizza with sauce and "cheese" for Mom and Dad. I love that there is at least one meal that we can all enjoy together without stress.

Thursday - Grilled "cheese",  French fries and baked beans. I asked the kids to design their own flags today for school and Morgan put baked beans on hers. That is how much she loves them. 

Friday - Chickpea and Swiss Chard Soup. Also from Pleasuring Your Simple Vegetarian. Never made this before, so I will let you know. Joel tends to love all things chickpea, so I am hoping this soup is a hit.
Saturday - Lentil Walnut Burgers. These have become a weekly staple for us. I got the recipe from the Moosewood cookbook. Joel LOVES these and it has been fun to add our own little touches here and there and experiment with different added veggies and spices. The only bad part about making these is that the kids do not like them and they are really time consuming. So, not only am I spending the time to make the burgers, but I also have to come up with something else for the kids to eat. 

So, that's what we're eating at our house. What are you eating at your house this week?