Part One
Our dishwasher broke the other morning. This is a tragedy. No one else seems that disturbed by it. Probably because no one else washes our dishes. I am very depressed because not only do I have to hand wash all of our dishes now, but I have to take out all the dishes that were loaded into the dishwasher and wash them. Nothing could be worse. They are sitting there mocking me now. What do I do with a broken dishwasher that has a few inches of water sitting in it? Unfortunatly, it will probably end up sitting in the kitchen mocking me for months. Send gloves!
Part Two
My mother, being convinced that Oliver is the most smartest boy on the block, decided that it is time for a potty chair. So, yesterday Oliver was introduced to The Royal Potty. It plays a royal fanfare when he goes. When he awoke from his nap dry I thought that would be a perfect time to try the potty out. He is pretty skilled at peeing on demand. (Daddy jokingly told him to go and pee on Mommy a while ago before bathtime. He marched his little naked self into the living room, aimed and fired. Missed me and the couch thankfully... Now Daddy knows that Oliver understands and obeys everything!) So, I let him check it out with his diaper on first and then we took off the diaper and tried sitting on the potty. No pee pee. That's ok, we're not pressuring at all, he's still so young. So, I went to get the videocamera to document the first potty experience and he is crouching on the floor in front of the potty facing it. I turn on the camera and tell Oliver to sit on the potty and go pee pee. Next thing I know, Oliver is sitting in a puddle on the floor. So, he gets the peeing part, just not the potty part. We're getting there. I'm afraid that he is going to want to try the potty all the time now which means that there will be puddles everywhere!!
I am sooooo sorry about your dishwasher! I hope your landlord fixes it very soon.
Alas, no landlord fixing my dishwasher. We have a portable one, not one that came with the apt. Boo Hoo for me!
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