I can't help but think back to my trick-or-treat days and how they were so much different. I would get together with a big group of friends and wander the whole neighborhood, going to every single house. Things were so much more innocent then. Not as much worry about kids wandering around alone, going into people's homes, literally taking candy from strangers. Never in a million years would I let my kids do that now. But, back then that feeling of freedom and independence was the best. What are your favorite halloween memories?
Oh, and I was sorely lacking in the creative costume department. I always thought I was creative, but it never amounted to anything. I always ended up as a baby or something easy and boring. I always envied my friends who were super creative and fun. I remember one year, I had a friend who dressed up as a tomato. That was funny. What was your best Halloween costume?
Awww!! You're right, I'm going to die from the cuteness! We always went trick-or-treating with several other families from our church. All the kids running ahead getting candy, the adults strolling behind, laughing and talking. They would take shifts at whoever's house was "hosting" to pass out candy, so they all got a turn to see us in our costumes and spend time together!
Sounds so fun! Isn't it cool to think that you will be creating memories like this for your little one?
Too Cute! Morgan's expression, or lack thereof, is hilarious.
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