Monday, November 05, 2007

This is the Last One...I Promise

Ok, I know, videos are getting kind of old and boring, but this one is too cute so I will post it anyway. This child can EAT!

I'd like to be able to sit down and write a good blog sometime soon. I have lots of ideas in my head, just not alot of time for blogging. I should bring the computer into Ollie's room in the middle of the night while I am sitting there waiting for him to fall back asleep. I sat in there for an hour last night at 3 am waiting for him to fall back asleep and he still cried when I left the room and ended up in our bed. At the moment, he is curled up in the beanbag chair in the living room sound asleep. Joel said he crawled in there when they got home at 6 and fell asleep and then he woke him up to put his PJs on and transfer him to the crib, but he cried (surprise!) and went right back onto the beanbag. I'm thinking of leaving him there for the night. Whatever works at this point.
So, I want to do product reviews on my blog, and maybe bring back Memory Monday. Here's today's: Remember those suncatchers that were a big hit in the 80's? You put little glass beads in the wire frame and then baked it in the oven. We found some of those kits at work the other day. Man, I loved those. I can still remember the acrid smell of them baking. Fun times.

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