I worked at the extended school year program this summer in the preschool. We had children who need the extra structure of the classroom during the summer - all have IEP's and most receive some kind of services. Speech, OT, PT, etc. So, it hasn't been a breeze. I have enjoyed it, but it is a challenge. We have one student who is older for preschool - he's five, and he has some major anger issues. I often wonder how a young child like that can be so angry. We had come to expect his outbursts of "This is stupid!" "I hate this place!" Don't talk to me!", but last week he said some words that I have never even said. We were sitting at circle time and this child, we'll call him Mouth, was unhappy that he didn't get to sit next to his friend. When it came time for Mouth to do his job for the day, collecting nametags, he was uncooperative. So, one of the other aides got up and helped him to do it right. This just happened to be the teacher who sat in between Mouth and his friend, so he already had a grudge. He started yeling and called her a stupid, f-ing b-! TWO TIMES! We were shocked, none of us knew what to say. The head teacher handled it very well, removing him from the circle and giving him time to cool off before speaking to him. The rest of circle time went to pot after that, none of us knew where to go from there. I think the other kids realized this and we pretty much lost control. Our cutie-pie autisitc student got frustrasted and bit the same teacher that got called the lovely name. She had a rough day!
Thinking about the situation after the initial shock of it all, I realize that this poor kid is really a victim, not just a fresh-mouthed naughty boy. How could he know these words and the context they are used in if he has not seen it modeled in someone else? There were so many times that he showed his true, little boy self and it made me wonder where all the anger comes from? How can a kid who loves Spiderman and makes sure he sees every picture in the books we are reading, turn around and call someone such a vicious name?
Needless to say, I am glad our program is done for the summer. Though, I do kind of wish I had more time to spend with Mouth and show him that not all adults are angry and it is ok to have fun once in a while.
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