We have gotten so much snow this winter! Seems like every weekend we are getting something. It makes me thankful that we live where we do and are not having to go out and shovel for hours and hours. My sister and I took the kids sledding today. So much fun! Oliver loved it. Morgan, not so much. She cried the whole way down the first time and refused to go down again after that. My sister did take her down one more time, this time with real tears. After that we let her just watch. Maybe she'll be more into it next year. I was proud of Oliver's bravery - he wanted to go down all the "big boy hills". We did one really big one and he got a face full of snow the whole way down. Still had a smile under all the snow but was ready to go home after that one. I think I will be sore tomorrow. Going up all those hills and pulling the sled behind me was quite a workout. It felt good to move my old bones.

I was glad to get out and do something today. I feel like I have been in a funk lately. Not wanting to talk to anyone or see anyone or do anything. Maybe it's the winter, not enough sunlight blues. I don't know. But I do feel better today. I'm enjoying the snow and the winter, but I am ready for some sun. Makes me wish we didn't decide to take this year off from going to Florida. Even a weekend at the beach would do me good, I think. A weekend at the beach BY MYSELF would do me even better! How about you? How do you survive the winter blues?
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