Thursday, April 27, 2006

Friend Dating

Making new friends is alot like dating. I went on a "first friend date" today. There is this girl at my mom's Bible study group that I have been talking to and it seems like we have alot in common and would be good friends. I have been trying to make an effort to get to know her all year. Today she asked me to go out for lunch with her. I seriously felt like it was like being asked out on a first date. I had that "wow, she really likes me" feeling. All year I have been wondering if she likes me or finds me annoying and is just pretending to like me - alot like how you feel when you are wondering about that certain someone that you want to ask you out on a date. Don't misunderstand me here, there are no romantic feelings involved in friend dating, but alot of the same self-consciousness and wondering what the other person thinks of you. Anyway, we had a nice time and the conversation flowed well. Yay for new friends. I think this is my first new friend since college. Pretty sad, huh? Unfortunately, I sometimes feel like I can't be bothered with this long process of friend making. Just stick me with my comfy, old friends and I am happy.
In other news, I had a doctor's appointment today and she said she thinks I might have this baby in 2 weeks! I hope she is right. I am about 1 cm dilated and have been having tiny, irregular contractions. When I left she said she would see me next week for my appointment and then she thought that would be it. Again I ask, is this really happening??

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