Monday, March 12, 2007

Anal or Just Organized?

So, I told you I'd write about my "issues" with putting toys away... just before Christmas we got a bin shelf ( I don't really know what it is called officially, but it is a shelf with little plastic bins on it) and I am obsessed with making sure that the toys go in the proper bins. The Weebles are in one, the Little People in another, the play food takes up two bins, etc. Anyway, it drives me NUTS when the toys are mixed in with each other or when they are just in a big pile on the play mat. I'm not sure why. I am not really like this with anything else in the house, I mean, things do have their places and I try to keep them there, but I don't get as annoyed when other things are out of place. I don't know, I think it makes it easier for the babes to find the toys they want and to know where to put them away if we can convince them to do that. But, even in the midst of playtime I find myself putting things back in their proper bins. Morgan likes to take things out and put them back in, so she is constantly taking the Weebles out and putting them in with the Little People. So, I find myself compelled to put them back in with the rest of the Weebles. Am I teaching my children racism? ("Weebles and Little People cannot live in harmony with each other in the same bin!") Oh, and another thing that I was doing (that has since stopped - must have been a phase) was putting away the Little People zoo animals in alphabetical order. You see, there is one animal for each letter and I did it the first time just to make sure we had them all and then I found that I had to do it that way every time. I agree, that is pretty anal. I'm glad I have stopped that.
Now that I am thinking of it, I must go and make sure the Weebles and the Little People are not mixed!


Jennifer Swanepoel said...

If you're not like that with everything in the house, I'd say you're fine!

Anonymous said...

A woman after my own heart! Just reading about your organizational skills makes my heart go pitter-patter, and I am not joking. Keep up with the designated bins and Oliver and Morgan will catch on, of course it may take a while for Morgan to get on board. Jennifer