Sunday, June 08, 2008

Catching Up

Ok, so I've been enjoying reading other blogs lately and have decided to get back on track with mine, though at this point, I probably am the only one who looks at it.
We've had a busy weekend. My niece graduated from high school on Saturday. Ok, why can I not get through one of those things without getting choked up? I can't figure it out. Mostly I am jealous of their new beginning. Looking up at those 30 or so kids in her class, I kept thinking about how they are about to start the most amazing journey of their lives. College and then the "real world". Life is never the same. At least it wasn't for me. College for me was a blast. I made some of my best friends, learned so much about myself and God and others and had tons of fun. I love where I am now, but sometimes I long for that new beginning of college again. The feeling that the good stuff is all about to come. It was so exciting. I feel like sitting Em down and saying "Enjoy every moment, remember everything, skip class sometimes so you can do fun things with your friends like play video games for an hour. Just don't let it pass you by so quickly - the real world is not all it's cracked up to be."
Speaking of the real world, 2 and 3 are killing me. It is a busy, crazy time. I am running in two different directions and giving double time outs and spankings. As soon as Ollie does something and I say no, Morgan is right on his heels to get in on it, too. Time outs are very effective with the boy, not so much with the girl. She trots right into her room, sits on the bed and waits patiently for me to come in and talk. Sometimes she even thumbs through a book while she's waiting. Then when I ask her why she has a time out, she replies with a big grin, "I did something naughty." Then we talk about it, she says sorry, kisses me and is on her merry way. A mere inconvenience in her 2 year old agenda. Oliver on the other hand, hates to be alone so a banishment to his room is a fate worse than death. He goes in kicking and screaming and once in there yells to us, "I don't want to be in here, somebody get me outta here. Mommmy, Dadddy, get me out." Oy.
I seem to have a new hobby, well as much of a hobby as a mother of two toddlers that works part time can have, cake making and decorating. I have found that I really love to do it. I made the kids' birthday cakes and then this weekend I made Emilee's grad cake. Caramel nougat cake with chocolate ganache frosting and fondant decorations. It came out great, if I do say so myself, and I had a really fun time doing it. I'll post pictures another time when I am not about to fall asleep at the computer.
So, I'm back. Let's hope I can keep it up.


Janice said...

I was JUST clicking through all my blogs tonight. So glad to see you are back! I still read :)

ann said...

by the way... I am a faithful reader and a not very faithful comment leaver... you always make me chuckle...