Sunday, July 27, 2008

What's In A Name?

My boy is the most clever, hilarious thing I've ever met. Yesterday, he chose a stuffed animal out of the stuffed animal bucket to bring to bed with him. Apparently, Zebra is not cutting it anymore. So, he chose a orange striped kitty that he got at Build-a-bear a long time ago. He was asking me about where he got it and what its name was, etc. All the questions a 3-year old asks, and then some, including why his kitty does not have a bellybutton. I told him that the kitty does not really have a name yet, so he can name it if he would like to. He thought about this for a few minutes and said, "Hydrogen Peroxide". OH MY GOSH...I about died of laughter right there, I held it in and praised his choice of such a creative name. As he was falling asleep he was quietly crooning to the kitty, "Hydrogen Peroxide, goodnight. Hydrogen Peroxide, I love you." I had to leave the room and laugh and tell Joel about it. Where does he come up with this stuff?? He had a splinter earlier in the day and I cleaned it with some hydrogen peroxide so that is why it was fresh in his mind, I guess.
Tonight I had to hug and kiss Hydrogen Peroxide good night after Oliver got his kisses. I'll take some pictures when I can of Ollie and good old H.P.


Janice said...

That is hysterical! I needed a good laugh tonight. What a creative cutie

Sarahbeth said...

Absolutely hilarious!!!!!