Monday, September 19, 2005

Trust Deficiency

I think I have a lack of trust. No, actually, I know I do. There are so many things that I need to trust God about and instead I worry. Or, I try to tell God what He should do with the situation and in the next sentence I'm telling Him that I trust Him completely. I'm such a hypocrite. Finances and having another baby, those are the two biggies. "Lord, I trust you to plan our family and give us what we need in your timing. Oh and by the way, please don't let me be pregnant." Where is the trust?

Wanna hear something funny? Lastnight while I was cleaning up from dinner, Joel took Oliver in our room and was trying to put him to sleep. I heard loud, screechy singing coming from the room so went to check on them and Joel was singing "Eternal Flame" by the Bangles while rubbing Oliver's belly.
He was asleep in five minutes!


Matt said...

I don't think that's hypocrisy. You can leave things up to God while still hoping for one outcome over another. To do otherwise would be super-human.

Sarahbeth said...

Calm my Anxious Heart--Linda Dillow. You know me, any time I have a problem i find a book about it. That's the one I've read twice for my, um, "trust issues"

Becka said...

I've read it many times. Maybe it's time for a re-read!