Thursday, July 12, 2007

Weaning Made Simple

Morgan is officially done nursing as of Tuesday night. Recently, I have only been nursing her at night before she goes to bed. It's kind of our special time together. Well, Tuesday night she decided to make that time even more "special" by biting my nipples repeatedly. Ummm...ouch! The first time she did it, I gently took her off my breast, said "All done" and put her in her crib. She wanted none of that - screamed until I gave her another try. She took a little nip at me to see if that was what caused me to take her away and I did it again. Convinced that that was the cause of her problems she proceeded to nurse properly for a few minutes. I gave myself a little pat on the back for handling it the right way thinking the problem was solved and then she CHOMPED down. I screamed "NO!" and put her in her bed again. I thought I was going to have blood gushing down my chest - it hurt that bad. Thus the nursing is done. She whined for it tonight while I was putting them down for bed and I told her Mommy's milk is all gone. I was kind of sad. Not sad enough to put my nipples in danger again, though.
After almost two years straight of nursing, it feels kind of strange. Maybe it's time for another baby....


Jennifer Swanepoel said...

Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!!! I'm impressed that you nursed this long! I wasn't able to at all, due to biological factors on both baby's part AND my part. Maybe next time we'll be able to make it work!

Muser Grace said...

Ah, yes, the biting!!! Not a part of the body you want chomped down on. My daughter just turned one and has been biting some...not too bad yet (only two teeth), but not the soothing, comforting sort of thing nursing used to be. I'm feeling all relaxed and full of oxytocin and suddenly, CHOMP! And the adreneline rushes in...yuck.