Friday, June 09, 2006

Joyful the Mall?

Today Grammie, Oliver, Morgan and I ventured out to the mall. Usually a destination that I dread for a plethora of reasons. Today, there were two things that made me happy. ONE - I found a pair of jeans that fit me. Old Navy "Curvey" jeans. And I had a gift certificate so that was even better! (Though, if I keep eating these brownie bites they won't fit much longer!) Old Navy wins the award for most annoying music played in the store. TWO - As we were walking towards Wal-Mart I stopped dead in my tracks and a grin spread across my face as I saw ORANGE JULIUS!! It's back at the Hanover Mall! It has been gone for probably close to 15 years. It was good, it was so good. Not much is better than a hot dog with mustard and relish and a cool, frothy Orange Julius. (Well, maybe these brownie bites...) Oliver refuses to eat hot dogs though. He tried one once and spit it out. He's smarter than we know. He did enjoy the Julius though.
In other news, Morgan is doing well. She definately cries more than Oliver did, so that is an adjustment. Another weird thing is that she doesn't seem to like the car very much. Most babies love it. Makes for stressful driving. She's getting bigger, probably not even 8 lbs yet, though. Today, Oliver gave her a hug and a kiss without being prompted. It was too cute!

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